Hire experts to ace your

Achieve your target score with our exam cheating experts and bypass software

Exam experts for hire

About us

We offer shortcuts to your dream school, dream offer and dream life.

Early before the establishment of Examya in 2017, we have started providing exam expert services. In the beginning, it was just to help our friends and relatives passing various standardized tests on behalf of them. Eventually they all entered their “dream” college successfully. Passed on by word of mouth, our business grew big and we decided to set up our own professional exam team.

In these few years, our team of test-taking exam experts has grown from a few to almost 30 people. We have been cooperating with major education agencies and counsellors in China, helping more than 20,000 Chinese candidates passing their standardized test.  As we are expanding our business on a global scale, you may now enjoy LSAT / GMAT / NMAT / GRE / TOEFL / IELTS hacks and assistance from experts at affordable price. 


Our Advantages

Safety and Privacy

Your safety and privacy are our top priorities. With our exclusive software, we can assure you that the whole process is not noticeable. Once exam is over, we will destroy your personal information permanently and securely.

Human Resources

Specialization is the key to success in your examinations. Therefore, our team consists of experienced tutors and technicians. Some of them are even studying law or medicine. Our clients deserve support from the cream of the crop.

10 USD Deposit Scheme

To gain your trust, we offer 10 USD Deposit Scheme. While our competitor charges 30-50% deposit, you can pay the rest after the release of exam result here. Moreover, we accept payment in USDT and non-crypto payment also.

Personalized Service

Entrance requirements can be complex. Some people might need to reach specific subscores while some only need above-avergae scores. Tell us your requiremnet and we will provide the most suitable plan for you.

Scope of services

Hire the best exam experts in these fields

Examya has helped thousands of students to ace these standardized tests with realiable bypassing technology


Test Service Process


Chat with our customer service representative. Let us know your requirements. You will receive our service quotation. Our exam specialists will arrange exam date and session for you afterwards. 

Exam Booking

After the collection of 10 USD, we will provide you a new email address of exam booking. Register and book your exam on the official websites.  We should receive exam booking confirmation email from the officials. The account will be returned after the whole proxy-testing process.

Test & Examination

Reserve some time (around 48 hrs)  for equipment check. To ensure things run smoothly, we will carry out equipment inspection a few days before your test. During the test, just focus on the screen, wait patiently and our exam experts will get your work done. 

Release of Test Results

Release of test results may take a few working days to a week. When we get your test result, we will send you a payment reminder.  We will return the account to you once received your payment.

Number speaks


Chinese Clients


Experienced Exam Experts


Success Rate

Don't miss out...

The pandemic gives shortcut to your dream offer and dream shcool​


Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

It costs at least 2000 US dollars to hire us to take test or examinations for you. The higher the score, the pricier it will be. Chat with us to get your price quote. Click here to reach us. 

Unlike competitiors or scammers asking for up to 50% deposits, we charges only 10 USD under our extreme low deposit scheme. You can pay the rest after the release of your official scores. Once we receive the your score report, we will notify you. Your exam ID, password will be returned to you upon receipt of service fee. If you feel insecured, read this post so you will know more about the  practice of the proxy testing industry.

NO. Due to operational security reasons, all communication will be conducted over text messages. Chat with us using Telegram.

Using software approach. We have our exclusive software and we are experienced in bypassing the detection of ProctorU and Examity. Necessary details will be given to serious buyers after successful booking.

In usual practice, we will post the scoresheets in success stories. Sensitive or personal information will be blurred out so to protect your privacy.  Let us know if you op-out of having your score posted in public.

It is now here in China. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free todrop us a message on 

Free consultation

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